NC Blog: MERN fullstack blog website with node.js in the backend connected to a mongodb database, and react.js in the frontend - Project Repository. System design document and Diagrams The frontend app is accessible at
Issue-Tracker: Next.js fullstack web application for tracking issues - Project Repository. It is deployed at
RecordPlus: Django backend application to host and retrieve videos recorded by a chrome screen recorder extension. - Project Repository with auth system
HNGXFLIX: React movie discovery web application that allows users to search for movies, view details about them, and save their favorite movies. - Project Repository
NabShop: fullstack ecommerce website, built with python django and vue.js, that allows people to purchase books. - Project Repository
African Rapid Care: fullstack appointment website built with python flask where patients in need of health care can quickly find an available and appropriate physician in their vicinity. - Project Landing Page
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